Thursday, August 5, 2010

Another Abandoned House

2:35 / 31.2

I've gone past this house many times on my morning rides and always say I will stop and take some pix one of these days.

Well, today was that day.  My left mirror was loose, so I pulled over att his house to tighten it and finally get some photos.

After I took these pix, I went on one of my regular routes.  I had a good ride, but nothing out of the ordinary happened.  Well, I did see a guy flying an Ultra Light, but didn't take a picture of that.
I also took one more photo right before the end of the ride.

I've gone all over the place in the past 2 months, so, unless it's something unusual, It is getting harder and harder to find things to take pictures of.  Believe me, I am ALWAYS looking for photo opportunities.

I played around with the photo software to change the lighting and color on the pix so they wouldn't all look the same.  These were taken around 5:45 a.m.

Here ya go;

A little landscaping and it will be as good as new!

This chair is still in pretty good shape.
A seat cushion and some wood stain
and it would be ready for many more years of rocking.

How many times have I told you to NOT slam the door?!
Now look at what you've done!

I didn't go inside the house because there was a lot of junk
on the floor and I didn't feel like climbing over it.

This looks an advertisement for Cash For Clunkers!

This is the back door.
Maybe I should've checked to see if they'd left the baby behind?

Clean up on Aisle 3.
Bring a bulldozer!

This is looking from the rear window to the side window.

I checked, and the water is still turned on.
If I ever run out of water in this area I won't die of thirst!

This is a road not too far from my home.
It has a slight downhill slant and is nice and smooth.
I love finishing up my ride on this road.
I can get up to 24 mph by the time it levels off.

My friends, Ken & Jen posted a similar picture on their blog,
so I was a copycat and tried one of my own.
I just held the camera behind the wheel and snapped the photo.

That's All Folks!