Friday, September 10, 2010

Cool Breezin' and No Sneezin'!

2:45 / 35

It was nice and COOL this morning!  It was cool enough I had to wear a long sleeved t-shirt and sweatpants.  I did a few extra miles just to enjoy the cooler temps. The cooler weather also seems to have killed whatever has been in the air and causing my alleriges to go crazy for the past month.

This is the community park I ride through on most of my rides.

Back in June, when I first got my trike, I was riding on one of the many back roads that lead out into the open desert and I came across this sign;

Well, today I went back out there for the first time since then and this is what I saw;
Besides clearing away some of the brush, they removed the sign.
I don't know if the state had it removed or a ticked off citizen did it.
I certainly won't miss it.  Instead of warning US about THEM, they should warn THEM about US.  After all, THEY are the ones invading OUR country.  Let THEM be afraid of US.
If you're a bleeding heart liberal that sees nothing wrong with ILLEGAL immigration, please pull your brain out of your butt, would ya?

This sign was just a short distance past the sign that isn't there any more;
When it gets cooler, I'd like to get with a few other riders and cruise out into the open desert.