Monday, June 21, 2010

The Sweet Smell of the Country

Time - 1:32  Distance 12.6 miles

When I was riding last week, I rode past a side road and decided I would come back some day to see where that road went.  Today was "some day".

I left the house around 0520 and headed down the road for a few miles to the side road. 

I rode at a slow speed because of the rough road, but it smoothed out after a while.  As I cruised down the road, I started getting a slight whiff of something in the air.

I was pedaling into a slight headwind and the further I rode, the stronger the smell became.  The smell became VERY strong and I finally realized what it was.

It was the distinct smell of a very big dairy farm!  If you've ever lived on or have visited a dairy farm, you never forget that smell.  I visited my aunt and uncle's dairy farm in upstate New York nearly 44 years ago and that smell made a lasting memory for me.

I soon came to the entrance of the farm and saw all those cows off in the distance.  I can handle the smell of horse manure, but the smell of those cow pies baking in the morning sun is nothing but NASTY!

I continued down the road and came upon what seemed like a endless field of corn.  I kept pedalling and pedaling and pedaling and the cornfield just kept going.

I came near the end of the field and pulled over to take a break and some more photos.

I finally reached the end of this long road and turned right and rode for a little longer and then headed toward home.

When I came up to an intersection, I needed to turn left, so I came off the shoulder of the road and got in the middle of my lane.  There wasn't any traffic behind me as I stopped to make the turn.

There were a few pickup trucks coming from left side, so I patiently waited.  One of the trucks went straight and two of them turned right and went past me.  The occupants of all three trucks slowed down and looked down at me as they passed by.

They looked at me as if to say "What the heck kind of contraption is that Big Bubba sitting on?"

That look always makes me smile!  I kept going and arrived back home a short time later.

I'm glad I went back and ventured down that side road.  It was a good ride with good weather and I got some good exercise.

BTW, Happy First Day of Summer!