Monday, June 28, 2010

Trying To Stay Cool

1:28 / 11.6 miles

I got on the road at 0530 and rode around the neighborhood and got home before it started getting too blasted hot.

After getting dehydrated last week, I made sure to drink a lot of water and Gatorade.  Of course, if you drink more, you have to make more "pit stops."  It makes it real easy to find a secluded spot when you have no choice!  It's not like there's a rest room on every corner out here in the desert, ya know?

I was approaching a ranch that was all fenced off with several dogs in the yard.  When they saw me, they came charging up to the fence and followed me along the fence line, barking all the way.

When I saw the gate across the driveway was closed, I just laughed at them as I rode past.


Right past that property was a big, empty field with  shrubbery along the road.  There was a big hole in the shrubbery right after I passed the gate.  And through that hole came bounding out a BIG, Black Lab!

I was right in front of him when he jumped out and I thought he was going to land in my lap.  I just yelled at him and kept pedaling.  He looked like a big, happy puppy, and didn't look too scary, but he sure did startle me.

I went down a few new roads and saw lots of other dogs.  Most of them were fenced in and the dogs that weren't just stood and stared as I went by.

Nothing real exciting and only a couple of pictures, but it was some good exercise.

It's getting hotter a lot earlier, so I'll be lucky if I can get in an hour or so each morning until Summer is over and it cools off.  Riding in 100+ degree heat is NOT my idea of fun.