Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday Morning Fun!

Today's ride was for 3 hours and 50 minutes.  A total of 36 miles.  That's the most I've done in one day, so far.  The clear blue skies and the cool morning air at 0515 made it a great day for a ride.

I knew which way I was going to go this morning.  I wanted to go over to an area that I knew had a nice, smooth path.  Little did I know I would find an even better bike path!

I had to ride for about an hour or so before I got there, but it was well worth the ride. 
The path was so nice, I did it twice!

I saw a jogger that stopped and put a leash on her dog when I was approaching. 
I asked her if the dog would bite me.  She said "No, but he might lick you."

I saw a lady walking down the path with headphones on, so she didn't hear me approaching.  I slowed down as I started to pass her.  She finally noticed me and I think I scared the crap out of her!

I followed the path until it ended.  It's a really nice trail with a lot of curves and zig-zags.

I was able to get up to 19 mph on the straightaways, my fastest speed, so far, but I had to slow down for the curves. :(

It was the first time I've been able to ride on a bike path.  It was SO nice to ride with no vehicle traffic around and a smooooooth road to ride on.  That's one of the reasons I was riding for almost 4 hours.  I was having a blast and didn't want to go home!

On the way back I finally saw a fellow recumbent rider for the first time in my one week of owning a trike!  He was coming toward me riding a SUN HD delta trike.  As he passed me he smiled and gave me a big HELLO.

It wasn't until he had passed me that I realized who he was.  He was the guy I met at the LBS a couple weeks ago when I was still trying to decide which trike to buy.  No wonder he looked so familiar!

I've even chatted with him via e-mail and we have been talking about riding together.

I was having such a good time, I was just flying along and not paying attention to anyone else.

I left the park and got back on the road and headed for home.  It was after 0900 by this time, and it still wasn't very hot.  I just did a slow, steady cruise all the way.  Although I had a blast, I was glad to get home get off the trike.  Once I stopped riding, I could really feel the heat and my legs definitely had a good workout!

Not sure if I'm going to ride tomorrow.  I'll wait and see how I feel when 0430 rolls around.

That's what I did today.  How about you?