Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Group Ride

2:11 / 25.1

After riding solo for over 1,000 miles, I was finally able to hook up with a few guys from the Tucson Recumbent Cyclist Club for a ride this morning.

I drove into Tucson for the 6:15 a.m. start time.  When I got there, one of the guys was fixing a flat tire.  Thankfully, he had it fixed in no time and three of us took of on our trikes.  Jeff has an ICE, the other Jeff has a Catrike 700 and I on my Expedition. We went a few miles and met Dan on his Barcroft Virginia two-wheeled Bent.

We rode around on some of the city streets, the U of A campus and spent some time on one of the long bike paths.  I was able to do some sprints and spent the rest of the time cruising and enjoyng the company of my fellow cyclists.  It felt strange not be by myself.  I told the other three I felt like Charlton Heston in "The Planet of the Apes when he discovered there were other humans on the planet!

Here are a bunch of pix in no particular order;

Chiilin' at a red light.

Right back where we started from.