Saturday, June 12, 2010

For the past week or so, the temperatures have been between 100 and 110.  The weatherman said today and tomorrow were supposed to be a lot cooler.  Guess what?  They were right!

I started riding at 0520 and came home at 0755.  I would've stayed out longer due to the great weather, but I came home to have some breakfast.  Note to self; pack a lunch next time!

Today's ride was the best one I've had so far.  It was nice and cool.  Clear blue skies, a cool, gentle breeze and the sun coming up.  It doesn't get much better than that!

The wind went from gentle to moderate.  Nothing really annoying, at all.  There wasn't much traffic and all the motorists gave me plenty of room as they went around.  In a 5 mile stretch, I saw 4 patrol cars sitting on the side of the road with their radar guns.  The first one was a young female cop on my side of the road.  As I approached, I waved to her and said "Am I speeding?"  She just laughed and said "Only a little bit."

The roads were a combination of very smooth to pretty darn bumpy!  Mostly smooth, so it wasn't bad at all.

I turned right when I came to the end of the first road and went a couple more miles.  It was then I saw the signs that gave me two options.  I could either get on the interstate and head east or head west.  I didn't like those choices, so I turned around and went back the way I had just come.

There's an Army National Guard unit near where I was.  As I approached the intersection to turn toward home, an SUV pulled over on the other side of the road.  A young soldier in shorts and a t-shirt got out on the passenger's side and a soldier in full camo uniform got out on the driver's side.  It looked like someone was getting ready to take a Physical Fitness Test by running down the road for a couple of miles.  It reminded me of my days in the military and made me glad I was retired!

As I was crossing a small bridge, I looked to the left and thought I saw a smooth, dirt road running along the side of the river.  I slowed down and looked again, and sure enough, I was right!  I kept going and thought to myself, "Ill have to go back and check it out someday."  I went a little further down the road and decided I wanted to check it out NOW!  So I did.

I cruised on back to the house, had some breakfast, checked some e-mails, etc, and decided to see if I could get the computer on my trike to work.

The darn thing hasn't worked since I bought the trike last Monday.  All I could do was to get the computer to turn on, but it wouldn't register the mph's, time or distance as I rode.  After a few minutes, it just shut off.

My friend, John and I put the trike in the back of his truck and headed to the LBS (that's Local Bike Shop for you non-cycling types out there).

The mechanic looked at it and couldn't figure out the problem at first, but then discovered the computer's sensor, which is mounted on one of the wheels, didn't work.  Pretty bad considering this is a brand new computer.

They took the bike into the shop and put a new sensor on it and it FINALLY worked like it was supposed to...I hope.

After we got back home, it was around 1315 and it still wasn't very hot, SO...
...I decided to go out for another ride!  I needed to test the computer to make sure it worked properly, didn't I?

So off I went for another voyage.  I just went up and down the neighborhood roads and streets and had no planned route.  I ended being gone for 1 hour, 24 minutes and 38 seconds and did a grand total of 11.35 miles.  I can give you that info because the computer does work!  Not a blistering pace, to say the least, but I was just out cruising around and having a good time.

I took a few pictures on the morning run, but none on the afternoon trip.  As usual, the pictures are posted below.  I had a great day on the trike and I'm looking forward to getting up tomorrow at 0400 to go do a 4 hour group ride with 5 or 6 other guys.  It should be a lot of fun and I will take lots of photos for your viewing pleasure.

Come back tomorrow and read all about it!