Saturday, June 19, 2010

Short Ride

Today I only rode for 1:16 and covered 10.7 miles.

Although it was only 1/3 of the distance I've been doing, I got a pretty good workout and I'm not too tired, so I can get other things done besides sitting here playing on my computer.

I rode in a big square route around my neighborhood.  I didn't take any pictures.  There were a couple of things I was going to photograph, but to be totally honest, I was just enjoying the ride and didn't feel like stopping.

There were only a few cars on the road for the entire time I was out.  I didn't see any pedestrians or other cyclists.  No dogs chased me.  Other than getting some exercise, it was a rather uneventful ride.

When I came home and rode into my driveway, I discovered I need to even out the gravel just a little bit.
As I was pedaling OVER the gravel, I suddenly hit a spot where the gravel was a little deeper.  I was suddenly pedaling IN the gravel and it got so deep all I could do was sit there and pedal, but my tires just kept spinning.  I dismounted and rolled the trike the rest of the way around the house to the storage shed.  Yes, I did feel rather silly as I sat there pedaling but going nowhere!

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from a total stranger.  He wrote to tell me how much he enjoys reading this blog and seeing the pix I post.  He's in Australia and likes to see what other countries look like.

I thought it was pretty nice for him to take the time to let me know that.  So, just let me say...

G'day Ricky!

And I'd also like to say hello to my other foreign friend, Nick, who lives in England.  I appreciate all of you that stop by to read what I write and to comment on my blog.

Sorry there aren't any pix or more to write about today, but that's how it goes sometimes.  I'll try to be not quite so lazy and stop to take some pix the next time.