Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cut and Paste

2:42 / 23.3 miles

Instead of getting up at 4:30, I got up at 4 so I could get on the road earlier to enjoy the cooler morning air.  It's rather ironic that I'm retired and I go to bed around 9 and get up at 4 just so I can ride without having to endure the hotter late morning temperatures.  Oh well.  Getting up to ride is more fun than going to work.

I've taken rides in several different directions in the past month.  There are still plenty of new roads to discover, but this morning, I decided to take parts of a couple routes I've already done and combine them into one.  I had a short trip down a new road where I found a couple things to take pix of.  Other than that, I have nothing new to report, except it was another great ride.

These cars were just a short distance down a dirt side road, so I took a break to check them out.

Just a little Armor-All and it should be as good as new!

A pretty sad ending for a Mercedes, huh?

After this, I turned around and headed for home.  As I was going down the road, I saw a black and white Australian Cattle Dog standing on the side of the road.  He/She was the friendliest dog I've encountered.
The dog wagged it's tail as I got closer and stood in the middle of the road and stared at me as I rode past.