Sunday, July 11, 2010

First Sunday Ride

1:27 / 19.1 miles

I usually don't ride on Sunday, but since I didn't ride yesterday, I thought I would.

I headed over to the main road that leads to the interstate.  It's never really that busy, but today is was nearly deserted.  It was really nice and quiet. 

I rode on some new and some familiar roads.  I took a few pix and headed for home. 

Since it gets a lot hotter a lot sooner, I decided I did not want to be out so long that I had to deal with the heat like I usually do.  I'd rather ride shorter distances and enjoy it instead of feeling hot and tired when I got done.  If I was on a cross-country tour (Hi, Ken and Jen!) I wouldn't have much choice, but since I do, I choose not to.

Ken and Jen are in Colorado and about halfway through their 7,000 mile journey to raise awareness for organ donation and to encourage folks to  become organ donors.  I'm a registered organ donor.  Are you?

I was riding past this small church and thought about taking a pic but kept going.  I immediately changed my mind and turned around to take the pic.  Let me tell ya, doing a fast U-turn on a trike on a brand new, perfectly smooth blacktop road is a lot of fun!

I've gone past this tree lots of times in my car, but today was the first time on my trike. 
I like the huge, stark white branches and thought it would make a good pic.
I should've gone to the other side of the road to get the whole tree in the photo.
Oh well.  I'll be back this way again sooner or later.

We have a lot of errands to run, so I won't be riding tomorrow.